

10 lines about Chandra Sekhar Azad

 10 lines about Chandra Sekhar Azad  

1- Chandra Sekhar azad was a great revolutaniory leader and a freedeom fighter . 
2-he was popularly known by his pet name azad which means free 
3- Azad was born as Chandrasekhar Tiwari on 23rd July 1906 in bhabhra village in MP.
4-His mother wanted him to become a great scholar of Sanskrit 
5-To fulfil his mother 's wish Azad went to varanasi for  Studies 
6-at the age of 15 Chandrasekhar azad was arrested in the non- cooperation movement 
7-azad ,with the help of ram prasad bismil , formed Hindustan republic association . 
8-he was involved in kakori train robbery with others in 1925 
9-He was also involved in the killing Lahore in 1928 
10-chandrasekhar azad died on 27th February 1931 at alfred park in Allahabad  

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